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Posted: | 2023-08-25, 12:42AM | |
The ancient Chinese physicians taught that ‘there are no incurable diseases.’ Yin Yang Channel is a forum for wellness, longevity, and the cultivation of love and respect for the human body. Self-care and the relationship we have with our bodies, define our lives. Many people have insurance coverage for acupuncture treatments and don’t know it. The good people at Shafer Billing and Practice Management can look into your coverage as well as your deductible before you start treatment, if you provide us with the correct information. Just ask: [email protected] Acupuncture Cupping Essential Oils & Herbal Compresses Food as Medicine Counseling Feng Shui Western Blood Lab Analysis & Chinese Medicine Acupuncture for Dental Anesthesia Specializing in The Following Health Objectives & Conditions: Cancer support Neuro-muscular-skeletal pain and issues with motor skills Movement and exercises