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Posted: | 2013-10-09, 02:27AM | |
My family is only going by My Husband's Social Security Disibility. We are just surviving with bills and scrapping by with food. My Husband And I need Dental work as it has been neglected because we don't have any savings. Could you please help us get work done. We appreciate any help that can be provided. We live in Lake City Florida. If you are a dentist and can provide service, we would truely appreciate it. We don't have any money. I started a fund for dental work a a friend of mine said, reach out to people and believe them that they want to help you with this. So I did this,but want to surprise my husband, so he can see that there are truely good people in the world. Any amount is better then no amount. We are all good natured people. We learn to always care for others as we get older, and appreciate what we have learned to contribute to society. My husband was diagnosed in October 2007 with Parkinson Disease. He is at a point in life with a debilitating disease that I need to do what ever I can to stay Healthy. If I don't get any funds or have somebody step up to plate to repair the damage, or contribute their service, our health will worsen. Life has so many challenges. I have always been sensitive to care for people and provide support, as there are less fortunate people in society. I ask for help because I don't have any other recourse by asking family for help as I have no living family, so the next best thing is open up your heart to people all accross society to see if there are good people in the world to care for another human being. When we grow up we learn about religion,the differences in society,but the one most common attribute is that we are taught that we are all our Brothers Keeper. The cost is for extractions in 9 locations where teeth are broken off or embedded in the Upper left , central, and right gum area. Also needed for surgery and for setting for Dentures. The cost will be around $1900 for me, and $1900 for my wife as well. I believe people are good natured, but turn when they get disrespected or taken advantaged. I am a real person and exspresive from my heart to be very sincere, as it would not gain anything by not being true and honest. People that are on Social Security as their only income coming into the home can't do alot and can't save any funds. Also it is very difficult to do any work on my teeth as well as my wifes, because of lack of savings. It is so appreciated as normally spend 65-75% of the day with friends. I believe in friends as they are the extension to one's character. I truely Value my friends. I wanted to tell a story from the heart, and show you what a person is like because things can go wrong, but also show resilience to do what's right. Please consider what has transcribed to allow you to open your heart to please help my FAMILY. In 2 1/2 years just passed I lost a second parent of 83 year old Father, Wife going into Hospital the same day of the Funeral with double pnumonia in both of her lungs, a temperature of 105 and starting going into convulsions and an oxygen level of only 82% in her blood. It was touch and go for a month on oxygen therapy. Thank G-d she pulled thru. Now as this continues, we were living in Jacksonville Florida going on 4 years renting a 3/2 home at $1050 a month and never late, we had a problem paying the up coming month rent. We asked our Landlord to work with us to make up that current months rent, as Medical Cost Sky rocketed. When my neighbors heard what my landlord said after what we just went thru the previous 2 months,boy were they upset. You see my landlord said NO!!! and if we didn't come up with the rent in 7 days, he was evicting us. Can you believe how heartless a person can be. So we were evicted and we moved and packed in 7 days and moved to a small city called Live Oak, Florida for 3 months paying half that amount of $500 a month rent for a 2/1 mobile home. We crammed a 3/2 bath home into a 2/1 home. If things couldn't get any worse for my Disabled Family, Our German Shepherd Puppy died of a heart attack. My 13 yr old Autistim/Adhd/Asbergerger/ODD son of 13 years old was devastated, which made things even worse. An organization that worked with Veterans and a Jewish Federation in New York pulled there resources to gether and found a place in a local hotel in Lake City where we were living before we moved to a permanent location where we are now. Thank you for listening and G-D Bless Regards David Cohen 386 466-7926